Various Models of Carton Box/Cardboard

Inspiration | Wednesday, 25 August 2021 14:02:59


Do you know? In the world of corrugated boxes, there are various types of cardboard that can be used to support your product. Maybe you often hear the term instant noodle cardboard or also often hear many people hear the term drinking water cardboard. The term is often used to make it easier for buyers and sellers to equate perceptions. It's just that besides that, there are several terms that are familiar to the corrugated box industry that you can use, as follows:

Model A1 or B1

This model is often referred to by the public as an instant noodle box or bottled water box. This model is the most standard model on the market. This model is often used to pack snack products, drinking water, or other small items.

Model B0

This model resembles the B1 model but without the top cover. People usually use this model as a tray. This model can be found usually for archival storage.

Model B3 or Full Flap

This model is a development of the B1 model. The intended expansion is the size of the flaps or tongues of the full-sized cardboard cover on the long and wide sides. Usually this model is used for items that do need extra cushioning when stacked or stored in a warehouse.


Die-cut Models

This model is a cardboard model that is deliberately shaped to give more aesthetic value to the packaging. Regarding this die-cut model, you can first consult the cardboard box manufacturer so that it can provide more appropriate value and products

Regarding these box models, DPB as one of the manufacturers of cardboard boxes in Central Java, provides services for consulting on the use of appropriate cardboard boxes. In addition, you can also consult about the specifications of the appropriate box to DPB staff. Especially for those of you who are large, small, or medium-sized businesses in the Central Java area, immediately contact DPB to get the best offers and services.